October 31, 2019 11:27 pm
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A home remodeling project in Birmingham, AL could take a week, or it could take a year. Most projects fall between these extremes. The average home renovation in Birmingham, AL takes between four and eight months to complete. Of course, some projects fall outside of this range, but this is a good starting place for your expectations. If you were hoping to transform your property in just a couple of weeks, you’ll have to rethink your plans. However, following the necessary steps during this average timeline will result in the best outcomes for your home remodel. Here’s a breakdown of... View Article
August 20, 2019 2:10 pm
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Planning your dream home remodel in Birmingham, AL can be an exciting but nerve-racking time. How much will all these changes and remodeling projects cost? It seems like it’s easy for costs to creep up higher than expected for any project, but this is especially in remodeling if you’re new to this type of work and have trouble estimating accurately before you begin. If you need assistance with putting together your remodeling budget in Birmingham, AL, follow these steps to create a foolproof plan. Determine your priorities Before signing any contracts or purchasing any materials, first determine what your biggest... View Article
July 31, 2019 2:58 am
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Summer is a great time for a home remodel in Birmingham, AL. The weather is nice enough to commit to tearing down a wall or exposing your home to the elements for short periods of time, and you likely have some free time on your hands to devote to the project. However, home improvement in Birmingham, AL is also a lot of work, and you’ll want to make sure you’re prepared for everything that will be involved. Look over this checklist to make sure you’re ready before beginning your home remodel in Birmingham, AL: Design a detailed plan: Well before... View Article
July 1, 2019 8:20 pm
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“Our home just isn’t functioning for us!” is a complaint that we often hear. When buying or building a home, people often imagine how a space may work for hosting dinner parties, or wonder whether that beautiful table they inherited will fit in the dining room. What people often fail to think about is how the floor plan of their new home will help them get through their daily routines. As a contractor that specializes in floor plan design in Birmingham, AL, we love really getting to know the families we work with to understand how they live. Understanding our... View Article
June 17, 2019 8:19 pm
Published by Writer
We recently had some clients come in for a home remodeling consultation and the first thing they said was, “We love our home, but it’s just getting too small for us. It doesn’t really fit our family or our lifestyle anymore.” As a local contractor with expertise in building home additions in Birmingham, AL, we hear this type of comment a lot. Home additions offer people the luxury of staying where they are, while also getting the additional space they need. However, a lot goes into a new home addition, so before you start knocking down walls, here are a... View Article